Do you have an application where you need to transfer very long materials like channel or tubing inside or outside your facility? Do you need to be able to pick up one end of the cart in order to be able to steer it into place? Are you in the market for a tough and durable skid trailer? Have you had an experience where other manufacturer's trailers just didn't hold up?
If so check out XT3350 below, and see how it filled our customer's material handling needs. Hamilton has years of experience and expertise in the design and manufacturing of custom material handling carts and trailers.

Statement of Understanding -
XT3350 is a Semi-live skid trailer that is used to handle long pieces of structural steel, or long weldments throughout a manufacturing facility. A forklift picks up one end of the skid trailer and steers it, allowing the other end of the trailer to freely roll on its running gear.
There are cross rails that keeps the material off of the deck, to allow a forklift or a crane enough access to lift the material.
There are vertical stantions at the end of the cross rails that ensure that the material stays on the trailer while being transported.
Cart Specifications -
Hamilton model number - XT3350
Frame Construction - Open frame, structural steel.
Steering Type - Semi - Live Skid Trailer
Deck Size - 48" x 384"
Deck Height - 22" top of frame risers
Capacity - 10,000 lbs
Trailer Weight – 3,140 lbs
Load Support – (10) cross rails stantions
Running Gear – W-1650-SPRT-1-1/4
Load Support – (10) cross rails stantions
Coupler – a hinged and rotating 5th wheel assembly with fork pockets mounted to it. This ensures that there is no binding or grinding as the forks of the lift truck steer and guide the trailer along its intended path.
Finish – Safety Yellow

Customer Profile -
The customer is the fabrication division of a major steel service center. They have 9 fabrication facilities and about 20 steel service centers across the United States.

Social Media Presence of Hamilton Carts and Trailers highlighting XT3350